Good News

Other Venues. I just did a quick check, and Rhomiko and the Confirmed Bachelor is showing up in the B&N storefront (for Nook). Keep checking your preferred ebook purveyors! If Bk7 isn’t there yet, the drop has to be imminent.

On a quote-related note, do y’all remember Anjou? He’s one of the toms who arrived for Pim Moonprowl’s consort call back in Bk6:

Anjou is the silver with blue eyes, a tribute of the Bonhomie clan. The other fellow is Eiji Woodhearth.

“Consort Call” | art by FoxOfTwilight

3 thoughts on “Good News

    • We’re putting final touches on the typesetting this week. After that …? Usually takes 2-3 weeks to see book boxes from the printers. I’ll open up for signed book orders after everything’s settled.


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