Coop 062: On Guard

Claimer: I do hereby claim all rights and responsibility for the characters in a certain boy’s adventures because the Amaranthine Saga & Songs are mine. Please continue to indulge the lot of us, especially the one who is trying to be wise.

On Guard

Other Elderboughs arrived, and while Torloo’s dad and oldest brother grumbled and fussed over him, Boon pulled Coop to one side. “Okay if I talk to your denmates about bringing you with us to Wardenclave?”

“Dad might think it’s too dangerous.”

“Might be your dad’ll think it’s safer. No skittish trespassers with guns.”

“I for sure want to go.” Coop hesitated. “Am I supposed to cheer Torloo up?”

“Nothing like that. Sad’s only natural. I’m more worried about blame. Help Torloo guard against it.”

“You think he’ll blame himself?”

“No, kid.” Boon’s gaze was steady. “Might be he’ll blame humans.”

Posted: June 25, 2024
Prompt: Worry, suggested by gg
Words: 100

Summary: Cole Pfeiffer-Cooper, who prefers to be called Coop, became part of a pack way before the world found out about the Amaranthine. An Amaranthine Saga & Songs serial. Cozy Fantasy. Slice-of-Life. Family. Pack. Begins here. You can suggest a prompt here. To scroll through archived chapters, use the Coop & the Elderbough Trackers tag.


3 thoughts on “Coop 062: On Guard

  1. Pingback: Coop 061: Feelings – FORTHRIGHT

  2. Pingback: Coop 063: Pack Traditions – FORTHRIGHT

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