Coop 063: Pack Traditions

Claimer: I do hereby claim all rights and responsibility for the characters in a certain boy’s adventures because the Amaranthine Saga & Songs are mine. Please continue to indulge the lot of us, especially the ones who will be remembered.

Pack Traditions

Coop had never been to a funeral, not even Grandpa David’s. He probably wouldn’t have figured out that he was in the middle of a wolvish funeral if Daroo hadn’t begun explaining.

“That’s one of Torloo’s sisters,” he murmured. “And two of his nieces. Before burial, there’s always a final brushing. Followed by spinning and braiding or looming. Sometimes a blanket or vest will be created. And enough remembrance bracelets for every packmate.”

Much later, Torloo brought his dad over. Ninook-dex Elderbough knelt to pulled them both into a warm embrace and said, “I have something. For both of you.”

Posted: June 28, 2024
Prompt: “warm embrace,” suggested by Joanne
Words: 100

Summary: Cole Pfeiffer-Cooper, who prefers to be called Coop, became part of a pack way before the world found out about the Amaranthine. An Amaranthine Saga & Songs serial. Cozy Fantasy. Slice-of-Life. Family. Pack. Begins here. You can suggest a prompt here. To scroll through archived chapters, use the Coop & the Elderbough Trackers tag.


One thought on “Coop 063: Pack Traditions

  1. Pingback: Coop 062: On Guard – FORTHRIGHT

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